For January, February, and March, we will have our Bible Study and Worship Service at Other Lands.
731 Rutherford Rd, Greenville, SC 29609


Too many of us in the LGBTQ community are talked about more than we are ever listened to. New Day is seeking to change that by providing opportunities for our LGBTQ community to share our stories through a storytelling showcase.

New Day is partnering with So Say We All ( to help folks in the Upstate SC LGBTQ community share their stories through their VAMP Storytelling Showcase. VAMP is a highly-produced multimedia reading series, where several writers perform works with visual accompaniment revolving around a changing theme.

How the VAMP process works:

  • Writers will participate in a half-day workshop either in person or virtual where they will learn how to craft a story.

  • Following the workshop, writers will have two weeks to prepare and submit their first draft.

  • Writers will then participate in group read and critiques to give and receive feedback, work with assigned writing coaches 1-1, and receiving performance coaching to ensure they’re comfortable with public speaking.

  • Finally, writers will select visual images to accompany their stories, send in their final drafts, and then perform together in front of an adoring audience!

  • Videos of performances are uploaded to our Youtube Channel, and selected pieces will appear on The VAMP Podcast.
    We encourage writers to seek opportunities to publish their work, and to treat the VAMP Storytelling Showcase as a powerful growth experience, but not the end of the line for the stories they workshop with us. Authors retain the rights to their work.

So Say We All is a 501c3 literary and performing arts non-profit organization whose mission is to create opportunities for individuals to tell their stories, and tell them better. SSWA offers education outreach programs specifically targeting communities who have been talked about disproportionately more than heard from in mainstream media.

If you have further questions or would like to participate, please contact Pastor Brian at pastor@newdaycc.ccom of call 864-216-7714.

Here is a sample from when Pastor Brian shared his story in 2014 as part of the VAMP process. (Brian Joyner is his pen name.)

New Day CCC Logo
New Day CCC Logo